
Discover our service

web maintenance!

With us, your site will always be at your best.

To do the maintenance: Support  Restoration  Speed Optimization

Forget about having to worry about updates, security, and performance.

The web maintenance can help protect your website from malicious attacks and security vulnerabilities.

The web maintenance can improve the performance of your website, which can help to reduce load times and improve the user experience.

The web maintenance can help to keep your website updated with the latest technologies and trends.

The website maintenance is essential to ensure the optimum performance, safety and the constant updating of your site, ensuring a positive experience for users.

Our service includes software updates, performance tuning, security, regular backups, correction of errors, SEO improvements, and technical support.

Updates are made regularly, depending on the nature of the elements to update. Normally, what we do on a monthly basis.

We implement advanced security measures, such as firewalls, constant monitoring, and security updates. In addition, we perform security audits regularly.

We perform regular backups to minimize the risk of data loss. In case of technical problems, our team is available to address and fix any issues.

We optimize the loading speed by using techniques such as image compression, code optimization and efficient use of server resources.

Yes, we offer technical support during specified hours, and we also provide support options for urgent out of hours in critical cases.

We use web analysis tools to monitor network traffic, keywords, and other key performance indicators to evaluate the success of the SEO strategies implemented.

Yes, we offer plans customizable according to the specific needs of your web site. We can tailor services to meet your individual requirements.

The duration of the contract may vary, but generally we offer flexible options, including contracts monthly to suit your needs and preferences.